
Oculus Rift + Touch Virtual Reality System

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    Get 6 free titles, including: Robo Recall, Luckyʼs Tale, Quill, Medium, Dead and Buried, and Toybox Riftʼs ultra-low-latency tracking offers unparalleled immersion The Oculus Touch controllers bring your hands into VR, letting you interact naturally with the virtual world NVIDIA GTX 1050Ti/AMD Radeon RX 470 or greater Graphics Card Required and a RAM of 8 GB+ RAM Windows PC and internet connection required - review recommended specs to confirm system compatibility

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    Shopper guy

    If you've got the PC to handle this, you really need to try the Rift Touch. Especially at the great price point of ~$400 right now. I've had it for several days now and am really enjoying the experience. I haven't tried the Vive, so will not try to compare there. However, I did try the PS VR for about a week. Hate to say it, but that experience was awful. I ended up taking the PS VR back to Best Buy. Long story, short. Check out the PC requirements - they're stiff. If you've got the PC and have the slightest interest in VR, you need to try this out.Here's a long, long review of things I've tried and/or done right (and wrong!) with the Rift...Should have downloaded the Oculus software when I ordered the Rift. Once I got my Rift, I figured out that I'd have to download the software. It was tougher than it should have been to pick the initial drive to download to. I've got a solid state C: drive and really didn't want to install there - but it was inordinately difficult to switch. Finally gave up and just took the plunge. If I'd worked on it ahead of time, I wouldn't have felt as rushed.There's an initial training program that pops up. Don't start sharing your Rift with anyone else until you've had the chance to go through training! I started sharing and didn't get it back until the next day...This bundle came with 2 sensors. Don't set them up as you think they should be setup. One would think that the lines on top of the sensor should point to the general middle of where you will sit/stand. that didn't work for me at first at all. My sensors are to my 2 and 10 oclock - but the lines aren't pointing at me. They're pointing somewhere behind me. If you get them close enough to where they need to be, the install will show you how to twist things around - but it definitely seems odd setting them up originally. I can sit and stand and pretty much anything in between and both head and hands are tracked very well.Setup with the Touch sensors works really well. Once setup, you can 'see' where they are with your rift on - which helps immensely. There's no fumbling around trying to figure out where they're at or putting them in my lap or having someone hand them off to me... There's also a guardian mode. On initial setup, you use the touch sensors with sound/vibration to delineate your play area without your Rift on. Then when you put the Rift on, you'll see a grid around you if you get too close to your boundaries. it sounds more complicated than it really is - I've got an oddly shaped area with other desks and bookshelves and it works just fine.This bundle comes with several games. My favorite so far is Dead and Buried. You can see your ghostly hands in front of you and there are several mini-games. Reloading is a neat flip of the hands and the sensors pick things up just fine. Some of the minigames also take advantage of you ducking or leaning. No discomfort here at all.Steam VR was installed so that I could try out Google Earth VR. Important note! Make sure you go through the Steam VR setup process!!! I was standing on my tippy-toes with my chin at ground level until I figured that out. This one definitely made me queasy until I got it setup properly. Google Earth VR is just amazing. I'd like some way to search in VR as you do in Google Earth. It can be tough finding your way around the world flying like Superman...Then the one I was really wanting to try... Elite Dangerous. I've had Elite for quite some time now, but it is completely different in the Rift. Things to note here: if you already have Elite installed, you have to go into graphics settings and select the headset from the 3d options. Volume was also inconsistent here - not sure if this is something to do with my drivers, but I was constantly fiddling with volume for some reason. At points way too loud, at others way too quiet. You'll also need to get your finger ready on the F12 key - or whatever you have the recentering key bound to. This took me several webcrawls to figure out the problem. Initial setup had me completely turned around in my chair in order to see the menu. Get close to where you'll sit, then hit your recenter key. You may have to fiddle with that a little bit to get your head properly seated in your in-game body. I've got a HOTAS setup with the Saitek x52 and thought I would be fine... Unfortunately, I still have a few keys keyed to keyboard inputs - and that's just not an option. I'll have to do some more customizing before I can fully fly around in Elite.I'd advise starting off in training mode because it really is that different. I've got a few bounties on my head.. Some space stations just have no sense of humor! But the sense of immersion is just amazing in Elite. Can't quite make out those labels on your screen displays? Just lean a little closer. Look over your shoulder to track that pirate visually. Eyes hurting from flying too close to that sun while doing a fuel scoop - just look around your cockpit to take a break! Want to walk around your cockpit? Go for it! Okay - that one breaks the immersion a good bit as your body is left behind. But it would be interesting to do in one of the bigger ships just to see what happens...


    Alex Z

    Why I bought it-----------------------I never really thought about buying a VR headset.I did read about it a while ago since I love technology and I was curious.But last time i checked, it was too expensive and the reviews around the net stated that there was not enough content,Based on those 2 facts, the reviews didn't really recommend it as something worth purchasing. So I didn't.Then, one day, i was checking the current prices of those headsets and i noticed that the Oculus Rift was on sale for just 400$.*Edit: on black Friday it was as low as 350$I then started looking for updated reviews and was reading some great stuff about Rift's new touch controllers.I did not think twice, I knew that 400$ is a price i am ready to pay to try some new and cool technology.Build quality------------------I must say that the build quality of this product is really outstanding.It feels very stable, beautiful, it feels nice in your hands and on your head.You can wear it for quite a long time without getting uncomfortable.You'll notice that luxury feeling from the moment you see the box and the unboxing process.One big problem is when you start sweating. The foams that are sitting on your face are soaking water instantly and becoming really disgusting. Making it difficult playing with others.*Edit: after a few times that I've been using the headset, I suddenly noticed dirt stuck inside the right screen, it was clearly stuck inside and I sent a video to their support and they agreed with me.It was very noticeable as a big black mark when wearing the headset.The screens are sealed so I couldn't open in order to clean it. It probably happened during manufacturing.I tried contacting them and sent them the information that they have requested, but then they replied and requested even moreinformation with some serial number that should be located on the headset strap, which I didn't find.I did not want to spend even more time understanding what they want from me, so I left it as it is.Later the dirt has moved again to the sides so at least it does not interrupt any more. until next time :PMy first Usage impression----------------------The 3D effect is quite amazing, you really do feel like you're in a different world, but you'll feel the full effectwhen you start interacting with the world, and it's so nicely done with those controllers, they are so intuitive and comfortable.It does give you the "wow" effect when it comes to the full experience.But, if you're expecting to enter the ocean and see everything crystal clear as if you're really swimming there, then the VR experience is still not there. It's not terrible, but the screen quality is not satisfying enough (more details below).More about the display------------------------------One of the things i was waiting to try with this headset is watching 3D movies.I was quite disappointed because the quality is not that good, which makes the entire thing not enjoyable.The main issue is not the resolution of the movie, but the problem is the low resolution of the screens in those headsets and basically the distance between the pixels.You might not notice it when you're watching your regular computer monitor, but try getting your eyes very close to the monitor on a white page and you will suddenly notice a little black margin between each one of the pixels.When you're wearing the headset, you have 2 little screens right next to your eyes so you do notice a thin black grid, it's like you're watching through a flyscreen.You're starting to forget about it when you're playing a game and interacting with the world, but if you're trying to watch a movie, you'll quickly realize that you rather do it on your computer monitor than sitting in a virtual theater while wearing the headset.Still, it's worth mentioning that after reading about it over the net, people stated that on the RIFT the grid is less noticeable than on the HTC VIVE.The resolution is obviously going to be improved in the next generation.* Edit: An example of that is HTC's new headset, the "VIVE PRO". the image is so much clearer. But I wouldn't recommend that headset any way because the image quality is the only advantage, everything else is a disappointment, including the insane price.Gaming with the Headset----------------------------------Don't expect to find a big library of quality games for VR, but still, there are enough small games in order to keep you busy and findsomething suitable for your taste.One game i was waiting to try is a boxing game called "The thrill of the fight", it's basically boxing in VR.My sister tried it, my GF tried it, my mom, my dad, my mom's friend... everyone LOVED it and were swinging and sweating like crazy.Some even screamed :)It's more than just something to try and forget, You can actually play for hours.What you're doing in the VR is also visible on the computer screen so it's a lot of fun for the entire family.Make sure you have enough space in your room (at least 2x2 meters) to allow you to move.Sports without leaving your room-------------------------------------------Just like the boxing game I've mentioned above, you can find rhythm games, tennis games and other games that can get you tiredreally quickly and make you sweat without leaving your room.It has actually become my warm-up regime .Motion Sickness----------------------If you get motion sickness quite often, then you might get it here as well.I am a bit sensitive when it comes to motion sickness and there are some VR games that i basically can't playbecause they make me feel bad quite quickly.When it comes to other games, i am trying to not play for too long in order to avoid sickness.It's different for each person and it gets a bit better when you get used to it, but it's something worth mentioning and beawared of.Conclusion - does it worth it?---------------People are sometimes complaining about the fact that you're not just paying for the VR but you have to pay an additional 1000$ for a suitable PC.I don't agree with this statement. You shouldn't buy a new PC JUST for the VR experience.If you like playing computer games and you have a suitable PC, then in my opinion 350-400$ are worth it.I think you'll have enough hours of fun to justify the price.If you're planning to upgrade your computer somewhere soon any way, then this headset might be the reason to finally do it.*** July 2018 Edit: Nvidia is about to launch their next generation video cards in the upcoming months, if you're planning to upgrade your PC, don't do it yet, wait for the new video cards and your PC will be ready for the next generation of VR as well. ***If you don't play games but for some reason do have a high-end PC and you want to watch those VR movies that you see on youtube,then just buy some cheap glasses for your smartphone such as the google cardboard. You don't need a full VR set for that.BUT if you're not playing computer games, or you have a computer that suits your current needs but not good enough for VR, thenI don't think it's currently worth buying a new PC.Yes, it is fun, yes, it's entertaining, but the quality of the games that currently exist is still mediocre, VR is still new so it willtake time till we see some dedicated large-scale VR games.Therefore you can wait a couple of years until there's better content and even better headsets without feeling that you're missing much.

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