ASK205A EBB Full-Metal (Vintage Style) [APS] | TaiwanGun US & EU
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Mechanism of ASK205A: gearbox v.3 HYBRiD with quick change spring system (100% compatible with TM parts) spring 110 m/s (370 fps) polished and buffed surface skeleton of gearbox with corrosion protection steel gears 8mm steel sliding-bearing bearing directional piston head cylinder type 1 with hole sealed aluminum nozzle bearing spring guide has 4 locking legs instead of 2 which extra secure spring while shooting electric blow back the replica has 6.03mm Stainless steel inner barrel mounted.Set include: replica of AKS-74U Hi-Cap magazine (300rd)Product recommended by us matching replica: Magazine : 170rd AK74 Mid-Cap magazine [Fuxing], 150rd Mid-Cap polymer magazine for AK74 Series - Black, AK74 series metal mid-cap magazine for 125 BB`s [CYMA] Batteries : Gens Ace 25C 1200mAh 3S1P 11.1V Airsoft LiPo Battery mini Tamiya, Battery Li-Po 1200mAh 7,4V 25/40C [8FIELDS], Battery Li-Po 1000mAh 11,1V 20/40C [8FIELDS] Attention! Please note that Battery and Charger are not included.Every replica pass initial check up. It's being checked and overshooted on XCORTECH X3200 chronograph.
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