Womens Snow Accessories Set | Mountain Warehouse GB
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Get ready for winter with our Womens Snow Accessories Set. Warm and cosy, this grab bag includes a knitted beanie, a fleece neck gaiter and matching water resistant gloves - great for winter adventures!Gloves - Water-resistant to keep you dry on the slopesReversible Beanie - warm & cosy fabric feels soft on the skin and keeps you warmNeck Gaiter - fleece fabric is insulating and soft against the skinGet ready for winter with our Womens Snow Accessories Set. Warm and cosy, this grab bag includes a knitted beanie, a fleece neck gaiter and matching water resistant gloves - great for winter adventures!Gloves - Water-resistant to keep you dry on the slopesReversible Beanie - warm & cosy fabric feels soft on the skin and keeps you warmNeck Gaiter - fleece fabric is insulating and soft against the skin
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