TRX Radios e Receptores - Divercentro
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The 3-channel TQi transmitter combines a full complement of tuning features with the long-range convenience of 2.4 GHz technology. Automatic model recognition instantly recalls your settings for up to 30 Traxxas Link-enabled models. The TQi's ergonomic design provides all-day driving comfort, with an internal antenna that is impervious to damage. For even... Traxxas TQi 2.4GHz 4-Channel Intelligent Radio System w/ Traxxas Stability Management Link Wireless Micro Receiver (1 set) Transmitter, TQ 2.4GHz, 2-channel (transmitter only) LATRAX, TRANSMITTER, 2.4GHZ, TQi 2.4GHz (2-Channel) TSM Recpetor, micro 2.4 Ghz (4-canais) Docking base, TQi 2.4 GHz transmitter (iPod/iPhone compat Link Bluetooth Wireless Module TQi Transmitter TQi Traxxas Link Enabled, 2.4 GHz high output Reciever Micro, TQ 2.4GHz (3 channel)
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