Ninja Life Hacks Self Management 8 Book Box Set (Books 33-40: Impulsive, Lonely, Sad, Ambitious, Zen, Feelings, Motivated, Self Disciplined): Mary Nhin: 9781637312421: Books
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Ninja Life Hacks Self Management 8 Book Box Set (Books 33-40: Impulsive, Lonely, Sad, Ambitious, Zen, Feelings, Motivated, Self Disciplined) [Mary Nhin] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Ninja Life Hacks Self Management 8 Book Box Set (Books 33-40: Impulsive, Lonely, Sad, Ambitious, Zen, Feelings, Motivated, Self Disciplined)
Reseñas de productos 5
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Lonely ninja uses S.A.V.E, it helps me with loneliness. The one I use the most is spend (being with my dog.) I recommend this book for anyone who is lonely.
Danielle W
These books are fantastic! A little pricey for some paperback books.
Lauren Fassio
My oldest son started to struggle with impulse control in the classroom. We started these Ninja series and they have been wonderful. I love all of the options and all of the feelings! Great info to pass on to your littles, in an easy way for them to understand!
We love these books and enjoy reading them with our kids. They teach great values.
Volumnia Marcius
I’m reading to these to my kids and taking notes for my adult self. Honestly we all need these life skills.