The Will of the Many (Volume 1) (Hierarchy): Islington, James: 9781982141172: Books

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Amazon Customer

A very intriguing world created in this book and populated by interesting characters. Once it all starts turning it is hard to stop reading.


little bookworm

When Vis, a seventeen year old orphan gets adopted by a high ranking official, his life is about to change. For a start he will be attending an elite Academy, the complication is that he will be there undercover for his new adopted father, trying to find out what he can about a supposed weapon being kept secret on the small island that is home to the Academy, as well as looking into the death of his new father's younger brother that occurred at the Academy six years before. However, that is nothing to the secrets that Vis is already keeping, for if anyone found out his true identity he'd be dead. Still the risks he is taking might just be worth it if he can rise to Domitor at the Academy.My first read from James Islington, this was a completely gripping read from start to finish, and I can certainly see why the book has been getting some hype.The story is set in the Catenan Republic, a world that is inspired by ancient Rome. Here the Hierarchy have risen and amassed an Empire, whereby the lower ranks of society cede their will to the higher ranks, in a pyramid-like magic system. I was immediately intrigued at the set up from the very first chapter, and liked that the author didn't spoon-feed the reader, but rather one was left to figure out the workings of this world naturally. That did mean that for the first few chapters, at least, I was at times confused by what certain words meant, but everything soon slotted into place, and I did later learn that there was a useful glossary at the end.The plot of this book was pretty insane, in that there was so much going on. There is political conspiracy, with different factions of the Republic now seemingly vying for power among each other, throw in a terrorist group, and it becomes a pretty explosive mix to say the least! Vis doesn't even start at the Academy till the second third of the book, after which there is the story of him rising through its ranks, whilst at the same time acting undercover, and among all that still managing to mingle with the other students, with some brilliant friendships made along the way. There are allusions to something much 'bigger' going on as well, which whilst only teased at in this book, judging by its ending, will factor far more significantly in the future. The ending was baffling and intriguing to say the least, and sets up a potentially more sci-fi element to the story moving forwards.The book is tense throughout, mainly due to the fact that Vis can basically trust no-one. I found myself constantly second guessing people, unsure what their motives were, or where their true allegiances lay, and to some extent that still applies by the end of the story to a lot of the characters.As the book is told from Vis' perspective, it means you see everyone else through his lens, and whilst he is pretty perceptive, the people around him are good at keeping their cards close to their chests. As the story went on there were perhaps less than a handful of characters who I genuinely trusted to not betray Vis.The twists and turns of the plot keep the book engaging throughout, such that it never feels truly predictable. Some people have commented that Vis is perhaps too good at everything, such that one inevitably knows he will triumph no matter the challenge. However, whilst he is naturally very intelligent and skilled (albeit the author does get away with a lot of his skill-base because of his background), the odds are so stacked against this poor boy, that never did I think he was having too easy a time of it. He's being pulled in a myriad directions by people trying to exert control over him and use him to their own ends, all whilst just trying to keep his head above water and not lose his moral compass at the same time, such that I could but celebrate his every success.I personally found Vis very easy to like and root for, and loved his character development and arc through the book. He has a tragic background and feels very alone, a huge chip on his shoulder against the Hierarchy, and his biggest flaw is probably that he can sometimes let his anger get the better of him. However, particularly once he starts at the Academy, it was interesting to watch some of the friendships he makes blossom, some of which are friendships with the children of very high ranking people in the Hierarchy, and suddenly it is not so black and white for him.I liked that the book posed interesting moral questions, particularly around 'neutrality' and 'inaction.'. The hierarchy after all, is ultimately dependent on its lowest ranks effectively holding up the higher ones, thereby it is not just those in power that can be held accountable, but those that give them that power. As one character says 'silence is a statement. Inaction picks a side. And when those lead to personal benefit, they are complicity.'I liked that by the end of the book Vis seemed to have chosen his side, and had done so of his own free will, as opposed to the puppeteering of others; it felt like he was finally taking some control back, as opposed to trying to merely juggle all the competing demands that were being made of him. I also loved that Vis is a proper hero, and after everything he went through, my heart was breaking for him at the end of this novel. The part of the story when he goes back to Suus was also quite emotional as we see him at his most vulnerable.Vis tends to have a lot of dry humour about him, which given the first person perspective, again adds to the enjoyment of the story. Much of the banter and friendship dynamics added humour and warmth to the story too, and given the Academy setting, it did slightly give me Hogwarts vibes.The story is certainly tropey, but in the best possible way, and whilst it undeniably does have its flaws, this was one of my most enjoyable reads in a while, and just had me desperately turning the pages, and eager to stay in the world and with the characters longer.Callidus was probably my favourite after Vis, and perhaps the only character I personally 100% trusted other than Vis of course. I liked Eidhin and Lanistia, and Aequa grew on me as the story went on, as did Indol (how trust-worthy they all are is another matter!) Veridius was perhaps one of the most intriguing characters, and I felt the author kept him at a bit of distance, and I'm guessing we might learn more about his motives in the next book. Ulcisor is another one who is still pretty ambiguous to me, at times I thought there was perhaps a genuine liking for Vis, but at other times he could be very harsh and just seemed to be intent on using Vis, without any genuine care for him. I'll also be interested to see what happens with Emissa. I do overall think that some of the female characters could do with a bit more fleshing out.Overall this was just a joy to read, and now the only problem is the wait for the second book. In some ways the ending to the first book has me slightly worried that the scope of the story is going to broaden immensely, when ,a lot of what I enjoyed was the political manoeuvring going on within the Republic. However, I'm not going to make any assumptions and whilst this is my first read from Islington, from this book alone, it seems like we're in safe hands. If the second book is anywhere near as good as this, then needless to say this is a series that should be attracting a lot more attention.



The Will of the many grabbed me from the off and never let go.An exciting first-person account of Vis, orphan of a massacred royal family, who is forced to survive in the society that destroyed his own.What’s good or different about it?• An interesting magic system, where the whole of society is part of a hierarchy, where the lower castes cede will or magical power to those above.• Short punchy chapters with plenty of tension and cliffhangers to pull you through.• It’s essentially a kind of spy story where the threat of capture looms constantly from all directions.• An interesting Roman empire setting — a little different from the usual Northern European fantasy worldsWhat’s not so good?• There’s very little to criticise here, but if I had to pick anything there are a few too many coincidences in some parts of the plotting towards the end, but this is nitpicking, and it still made for exciting reading as you are so invested by that point.• Vis, the main character is pretty awesome at everything, with few limitations, but it’s also fun to watch how he outwits his enemies, so again, it gets a pass from me.As an experienced fantasy reader of over 40 years, it takes a lot to hook me in to a series these days, but I will definitely be buying the next instalment.Would highly recommend!


Amazon Customer

Fun book. Great concept!


D. Beecher

I was initially doubtful about this book, Chosen One goes to Murder School set in a fantasy world based off the Roman Empire, is basically my nightmare premise. But the reviews were so good I decided to give it a go and it is excellent. If it can win me over to these tropes it can win practically anybody.Vis is a really well built character with a lot of self-direction and who makes sense for the role he is in. The reason students sometimes die at the Murder School and how they get away with it, actually makes sense. It is the Roman empire but it's not, it is a really nuanced and interesting piece of world building that is actually a trojan horse for some really impactful themes. The magic/tech system is original and intriguing. It is all very smart and very well plotted.The only people I would not recommend it to are those who are newbie fantasy readers. It is a layered and complex world which requires you to hold a lot of names and places in your head. I would say that it has interest for older teens and adult readers. It's dark but not grimdark.

4.7 / 5
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