Rubik Professional Handheld RFID 125KHz ID Card Copier Reader Writer Portable Duplicator Durable with 5 Writable Tags 5 Writable Cards (Copier Bundle)
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PURPOSE - This Rubik handheld tool is great gadget for Realestate and Offices who wants to make quick copy for their 125Khz access card. COMPATIBILITY - This RFID ID copier is used to clone only NON-ENCRYPTED 125Khz RFID Card/Tags (check below for supported and not supported cards with Rubik device). SUPPORTED: All ID-125Khz Cards/tags which are based on TK4100 / T5577 / EM5200 standard are supported and can be copied on Rubik blank cards. NOT SUPPORTED: HID Cards / EM4100 & EM4305 Standards / IC Type-A and IC Type-B Cards / NFC Cards / UHF Cards / Hotel Cards / Bank Cards / Government Cards / School or University Cards. Please note, device can not read blank cards as well. BLANKS: Use orignal Rubik blanks Cards/Tags Only (For writing card, always use orignal blanks of Rubik ID-125Khz Cards/Tags or copy may fail).SUPPORT: Basic guideline is available on our store through buyer-seller message service for Rubik products. Or click on "Sold By" to see more contact options if you have further questions.
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