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Amazon.com: Tineco Floor ONE S5 - Aspiradora y trapeadora inalámbrica inteligente para suelos duros, pantalla digital, largo tiempo de funcionamiento, ideal para desorden pegajoso y pelo de mascotas, diseño que : Herramientas y Mejoras del Hogar

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    Ahora más barato de lo habitual en 98%


    Características especiales: Inalámbrico, húmedo/seco, tanque de agua ampliado, autopropulsado, limpieza de bordes, autolimpieza, iLoop, ligeroInalámbrico, húmedo/seco, tanque de agua ampliado, autopropulsado, limpieza de bordes, autolimpieza, iLoop, ligero
    Tipo de filtro:Disco
    Componentes incluidos:Herramienta de limpieza
    ¿Es inalámbrico?:
    Recomendación de superficie:Piso duro, maderas duras, laminado, superficie multiPiso duro, maderas duras, laminado, superficie multi
    Fuente de alimentación:A Batería
    Voltaje:120 Voltios
    Peso del artículo:17,37 Libras


    Amazon.com: Tineco Floor ONE S5 - Aspiradora y trapeadora inalámbrica inteligente para suelos duros, pantalla digital, largo tiempo de funcionamiento, ideal para desorden pegajoso y pelo de mascotas, diseño que : Herramientas y Mejoras del Hogar

    Reseñas de productos 2

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    Amazon User

    I bought this at a discounted price during Amazon prime day. I have the S3, which I love, but was excited over new and improved features the latest edition flaunted.Let me tell you what I appreciated:-Closer cleaning to the edges: Okay, so though there is a smidge of an improvement here- the new edition still isn’t as good as advertised. You will see about a cm (give or take 2 mm) of uncleared debris from the edge, but it still is an improvement!-Better suction: there is a lot more suction on this newer edition and it joyfully surprised me, definitely an improvement I love. I don’t have to revisit areas I already cleaned as much as I did with the S3.-Design improvements to the cover on top of the roller and the container holding the dirty water. With the s3, I found that at times water sputtered out of the dirty water tank and the cover over the roller, despite both being properly installed. I would have to reinstall them several times to get the perfect fit where water wouldn’t go spraying out. It was annoying. This new design seems to have a better fit, and improved cover that stops this problem. Definitely a relief to know it’s fixed!Stuff that is a con but not so much to outweigh the pros:-Battery Power: battery drains faster, this is the biggest issue I have, but all in all I assume it is because it’s operating at a more powerful rate. It still covers most of my bottom floor so not a huge issue, just something that isn’t always convenient if I have bigger jobs downstairs.-the dirty water tank needs cleaning faster and the cleaning solution also needs refilling faster, and this is for the same reason I think I listed above. I operate normally only on auto mode, so it is likely that the more powerful suction requires more water than the S3 did.The hand held vacuum is decent, it does the job. Easy to use. For the price of the add on, it’s worth the purchase.I put my old S3 upstairs and now have the latest edition downstairs. I am pretty happy with my purchase and have bought several of them for family and friends.Helpful tip for any tineco: I use a deodorizing solution in the dirty water tank to keep it from smelling. I noticed that it was getting very putrid smell in my S3, even when clean, and this seemed to stop the issue. I use the self cleaning feature after every use, Hand wash the components at least once a week, change out the filter and roller every three weeks, and take good care of the machine, but the smell was still happening. I really recommend this to everyone.



    I can’t believe I waited so long to buy this thing. My quality of life has improved so much in the last week I have used this! I have 3 dogs in my house. 2 Yorkies and one big dog. My male Yorkie has started getting up in the middle of the night and peeing on EVERYTHING! Now when I wake up in the morning to find his piss of destruction I just grab this beautiful thing and in a matter of minutes it’s all better. No more lakes and my house smells better than ever. It handles both the potty spots and the fur that may be hanging around. I run the machine over his mess a few times after the initial clean up to make sure the solution has both had time to clean up all of the mess and clean anything off the head, dump the tank and give it a rinse. The tank catches all the hair. I was impressed by how much it pulled out. I put it on the self cleaning cycle and once complete, dump and rinse the tank, and pull the head off to dry in the spot provided. At first I was pulling the head and washing it before having it do the cleaning cycle thinking it would smell like pee if I left it but I tried it just letting the machine do its self cleaning cycle and it way more dry than I could get it and smells fresh and clean. The only thing I have found on it was extra fur on occasion that I pulled off. Other than that, there was no smell or dirt residue left afterwards. I haven’t noticed that it smells at all after cleaning.I love that it’s cordless and easy to maneuver around and the edge cleaner really does go all the way to the baseboard. I was worried about the tank being too small since I had used a carpet cleaner with a hardwood option in the past and was constantly dumping it. This machine is so efficient with its water use and pick up that I only have to dump it once while doing my whole downstairs. It’s half the size of the carpet cleaner and the motor forward makes it super easy to handle. I use it on auto and it has enough power that I haven’t ran it dead doing my floors (about 1000 sq ft). Auto has plenty of cleaning power unless you really have a nasty mess like stuck on syrup .I’ve seen some people say that it would be faster to just grab a paper towel and clean it up. No way. It took me 45 minutes to clean it up last Saturday and started me down the path of finding this machine because let me tell you we had reached a breaking point. I was going to find a better way or going down for dog abuse. Jk I love the pissing SOB but still…it was point break. This morning it took less than 10 minutes from start to finish including a 2 minute cleaning cycle and pulling the head to dry plus instead of just cleaning the spots I went ahead and nocked out the whole bathroom floor and the walkway in then hit the kitchen mat while I was at it. It was a thing of beauty and a bonus since the pissing SOB is scared of the vacuum. Take that you fur gremlin! If it died today I would buy another one. It really is that great and my floors are cleaner than they have ever been. I’ve used a lot of products in the past but this one is by far the best of them. Save your floors, your dog, and your sanity and hit buy now.

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