Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally: Wark, Chris: 9781401956110: Amazon.com: Books
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Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally [Wark, Chris] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally
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If you are concerned about radiation and hormone therapy to treat cancer this book is one of several you should read. However, no one book is enough to get you where you need to be to fight a cancer you may have. It will require a lifestyle change if you want to beat cancer and keep it away. It's true, you are what you eat and the American diet is cancer-promoting and sustaining.
Amazon Customer
I’ve only read about a third of this book, but I’m really into it. Easy and insightful. I just finished Chemo and it was rough. I am doing everything to keep it from coming back. This book is my best chance!
j baker
Battling my own cancer. Book came fast. Lots of good info. Happy
This is a good book.i'm healed.Thank you God.My radiologist said i had cancer and it was in the nodes so it was far along and he seemed oddly happy(maybe he was going to make some money off my biospy) to be relaying to me this harsh news .....The Doctor also didn't even know my name and referred to biospy to the left side when the issue on the scan and sonogram was on the right side!!! So i thought this doctor can't even figure out left from his right or remember my name?! So i fired that doctor! Then they medical team would not allow me to cancel my appointment. They tried to force me to do surgery but i finally was able to escape this biopsy!Medical system tried to rush me into biopsy same day while i was still in shock... i said NO, PATIENT IS REFUSING TREATMENT" " no one touch anything anywhere on my body" "let peace be the umpire" i needed a doctor and medical team i was peaceful with and it wasn't that one!Then had a grouchy arrogant doctor Yelled at me....... I prayed and waited "Be still and know that i am God" i chose not to be pressured and hurried and harassed into toxic painful harsh treatments that they did try to aggressively rush me into.The harder they pushed the more i knew to go the opposite direction. Doctors are suppose to "first do no harm" but these procedures are harmful and already done some excruciating damage. The arrogant condescending doctors also did not listen and it felt as though they were talking "at" me not "with" me it did not feel like teamwork as it should be....hey i'm a college educated person and have medical doctors and university professors in my family....I chose a better way instead. I had no surgery. no radiation. no chemotherapy. no other invasive stuff.I did NOTo back to the doctor and started to heal. The doctors made me sicker because it was so aggressive harsh and stressful. Being away from the doctors made me better. The medical system was upsetting traumatizing sloppy uncaring and stressful and makes people sicker.Did my healthy lifestyle and spiritual work......THEN >>>>> 2 years later doctor said i had NO SIGN OF CANCER. They did three tests and they all came up negative. no cancer. I had no surgery. I had no radiation. I had no chemotherapy.Even though i had no sign of cancer AGAIN the doctor still wanted to do more stuff and i 'refused' did not do that. If you're at the doctor and you don't want a procedure you can always "refuse" it. If they pressure you something is wrong. Always ask if you have questions. i've had them present incorrect medications.They make mistakes... doctor even got the right and left mixed up and he didn't even remember my name....I did some things from this book, my Bible and what God directed me to do and listening to healing sermons...... Because God knows best and God is always right.'Dwelt on the word of GOD day and night and you will prosper always in ALL WAYS" "you're already like a tree firmly planted by streams of water whose leaves did not wither and in whatever you do prospered"I also think the Artemisinin helped. Tons of studies on Artemisinin.... why don't the doctors tell people about the Artemisinin with Iron ? You can buy it on Amazon too. The doctors aren't current on the latest studies.. they get stuck in their old ways......God made the artemisinin. and eat white basic mushrooms and drink green tea or matcha...God made those too.It's now 12 years later and my quality of life has been awesome and my health and bank account is flourishing i'm joyful stress-free and peaceful......"prosper as your soul prospers"...and all's wellunflappable and steadfast....Don't let anyone ever steal your peace and joyif they do go find someone else....it's a beautiful spiritual journey.if wasting your money and being stressed out and mutilated makes you feel better and more peaceful then go to the doctor if that is right for you.i chose to avoid the doctors and it worked so now i'm healed. God finally did lead me to one doctor that worked for me.So now i need to gratefully give God the entire full thanks and credit for this ......and tell people. Give credit where credit is due. TO GOD.you gotta reach out to peoplelistenhelp themheal thempray for themgive them hopeWe overcame by the blood of the lamb and the WORD of our testimony.few years later Then they told me I had stage 4 metastatic. (I made the mistake of trying carnivore and low carb diet) I was so glad i did not let doctors do surgery and dig out my numerous lymph nodes they saw because i went BACK on my strict vegan diet diet with greens and berries smoothies and veggies and the good doctor i prayed for did give me anastrosole and kisqali and xgeva(shot once a month) and it again is completely gone and all nodes normal( the doctors are scratching their heads) after numerous scans and MRI's and pet scans. i feel wonderful and am perfectly fine.My Doctor and nurse said it was a "MIRACLE" I prayed for God to give me the right doctor and to guide the doctors decisions.&lt;<Don>>>DO the vegan diet.Avoid negative stressful situations, doctors and people.DO exercise but not too much... i think i may have over exercised before and wore myself out. Take good care of YOU!Don't let them remove our lymph nodes.... God gave you the nodes to clear out the junk.... the nodes help heal and they are there for a purpose. God our designer knew better than we know.i had NO SURGERY and NO CHEMO and NO RADIATION. I am perfectly well joyful and happy."i shall live and not die and declare the works of he Lord"
I bought Chris Beat Cancer for my stepdad, who was recently diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and this book has been a blessing for both of us. Chris’s personal journey and the comprehensive plan he lays out gave us hope and practical steps we could follow right away. It’s empowering to know there are things we can do to support his healing, beyond just relying on traditional treatments.The book is packed with easy to understand information on nutrition, detox, and lifestyle changes, which have already made a difference in how we’re approaching his care. Chris breaks everything down in a way that doesn’t feel overwhelming, making it accessible even for those who are new to this kind of holistic approach.For anyone facing cancer or supporting a loved one through it, this book offers not only valuable information but also encouragement and hope. We’re so grateful to have found it during such a difficult time.
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