Amazon.com: Інтерактивний дитячий єдиноріг Fingerlings Magic Moods, Мімі (рожевий), ворожить і настрій, понад 70 звуків і реакцій (від 5 років)
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Amazon.com: Fingerlings Magic Moods Interactive Baby Unicorn, Mimi (Pink), Tells Fortune and Mood, 70+ Sounds & Reactions (Ages 5+)
Отзывы о товаре 4
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Norma V Thomas
As long as my grandkids are happy so am I. They loved them. I like that they come in 2 colors. They are 5 and 6 years old. Great gift. They were in new condition and packaged well. And weren't noisy. Kids had fun.
Jessica Tory
We bought one of the original Fingerlings (a purple one) for my oldest daughter six years ago when they first came out. She LOVED it! When we saw a wall of them at Macy's, they caught my son's eye and we ended up getting one for his fourth birthday. He really likes it (we bought the blue one with the green hair) but I will say that the child who probably loved it most is my youngest, who is 1. It's the perfect sensory toy for a young child, since there is wide variety in the sounds and reactions it makes. Recommend this toy, it's inexpensive and buys you solid distraction time for young kids!
California Cat
got this out of curiosity for myself, gave it to my cat.one of the reactions (snuggling) is activated when she lays on him and I’m pretty sure it reminds her of her kittens 🥺 I’ve gotten another for her.
Teresa Smith
I bought this toy for my 5 year old granddaughter. She absolutely loves it. So cute!
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