Principles of Economics (Audible Audio Edition): Saifedean Ammous, Saifedean Ammous, The Saif House: Books
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Описание Principles of Economics (Audible Audio Edition): Saifedean Ammous, Saifedean Ammous, The Saif House: Books
Отзывы о товаре 4
Фото покупателей 3
This book actually makes economic sense. None of the modern day Keysenian econ books with complicated equations make sense. I read this to get all of that nonsense out of my head from my Economics degree earned in 2011. Economics is an understanding of how a civilized society functions properly.
Erin Setters
The book and author are excellent, obviously! But Amazon is damaging the copies and sending them that way. I purchased this with the intention of gifting it. However the book appears dirty and used. Not gifting quality. I feel like someone returned this and they sold it as new again. So buyer beware of quality
Rather than getting bogged down in the arguments of Austrian versus Keynesian economics, this book is a practical exploration of how civilization progresses rather than declines as we face the challenges of the new millennium.Deeply inspiring and leaves the reader with a sense of hope not doom … refreshing from a book on the modern economic landscape.Be warned though, the author pulls no punches. If you are blindly committed to one way of seeing the world, best just read authors that confirm your own belief systems.
Holden Mitrione
This would be the book that I recommend anybody read if they want to understand economics through the Austrian lens. It offers a concise explanation for some of the most important concepts in economics. I recommend that people read this before Human Action or Man, Economy, & State because it will make those books and other Austrian material much easier to understand.