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In stock item atomy toothbrush from korea make in Korea Atomy Toothbrush 1 set (8 pcs) 99.9% Gold Coated Nano Ultra Fine Product Features:- #Super Slim Brush. Soft and flexible bristles in 0.18 mm thickness: #Effective removal of plague and residues after brushing. #Rounded Slim Head. helps your brushing easily reach to the very back teeth for complete oral cleaning. #Easy grip Handle. Comfortable and easy grip in the handle gives both the young and the old good feeling when brushing. #None-rubber material that is diamond cut is likely antimicrobial,nature friendly,and free of disrupting chemicals. You can also consider the unique business opportunities provided by this global company - Buy SG Atomy Toothbrush (1set * 8ea) 艾多美牙刷
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