Backyard Witchcraft: The Complete Guide for the Green Witch, the Kitchen Witch, and the Hedge Witch: Lattari, Cecilia, Greco, Betti: 9780486850047: Books
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Backyard Witchcraft: The Complete Guide for the Green Witch, the Kitchen Witch, and the Hedge Witch [Lattari, Cecilia, Greco, Betti] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Backyard Witchcraft: The Complete Guide for the Green Witch, the Kitchen Witch, and the Hedge Witch
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Kindle Customer
Ummm some of the things in this book have to be made up? I mean raise your hand fellow witches if you happen to have an Alembic in your kitchen gadget staples - and raise up both hands to yourself if you have one of the copper ones that comes up in a search here on Amazon. As a Hedgewitch myself I found the information about us to be ridiculous! NO WAY would I ever sleep in a sleeping bag and the only seeds in my shed grow my friend Maryj. I don't wear old boots, I wear Laboutins lol. So idk about the whole hedgewitch section - it seems to be sort of a description of a stereotype tbh.Aside from all that - There is some decent herb knowledge(which you can get basically anywhere but whatever), and the recipe suggestions are good.Basically I would classify this one as a curio book for a more advanced practitioner who won't be misled by the misinformation and stereotyping in here. It has decent graphical presentation and is a light read no more than a couple hours if that.Get it used you will be less upset about the cost. Bc It's worth it for a used book only.
As someone who has a hard time focusing on the content of what I'm reading, I tend to love illustrations that go along with what I'm reading. In my opinion the illustrations alone are worth purchasing.The content of the book was very surface level (which I didn't mind as a beginner myself) and some practices/explanations are not touched up on, only mentioned. I do feel it is worth the purchase as I enjoyed my time reading, but if you are someone farther along in your journey this book might seem like common knowledge.
The illustrations are gorgeous, but the information in the book makes it feel like a kids book instead of something for adults.
Erin Feiger
This is such an easy read. If you love nature and the magic that goes along with it you will like this book. I have learned a lot from this book and recommend it to any witches
Barbra Ashton
The book is well written, informative, and beautifully illustrated.