Botanical Painting with Gouache: A Step-By-Step Guide eBook : Williams, Simon: Kindle Store
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Описание Botanical Painting with Gouache: A Step-By-Step Guide eBook : Williams, Simon: Kindle Store
Отзывы о товаре 5
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Amazon Customer
Too advanced for a beginning painter.
Poor content. Bad illustrations.I really don't recommend.
the painting quality was not professional
A super thorough instructional book, although on one or two occasion the author seemed to forget to follow up the information he’s promised to divulge in the previous paragraph.
Kindle Customer, BUFFALO NY
I found this an excellent guide for me, a beginner with both gouache and botanical illustration, but of intermediate experience with traditional watercolor (painting).The author is definitely talented enough to write a book on the subject; the book contains many, many of his works and they are exquisite. I learned a lot of things, such as the excellent reference for Fabriano Pittura paper and the basics to using gouache: I've been using it far to thick. I learned use more water, more layers and let each layer completely dry before adding more paint.I think the only negative to this book was that the author tried to demonstrate too wide a variety of plants. I'd have preferred less examples and more specific instructions and detail on the painting of certain plants. Nonetheless, it's by far the best guide on botanical painting using gouache that I've found to date.