Psychology (High School Edition): 9781319341022: Myers, David G., DeWall, C. Nathan: Books
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Descrição Psychology (High School Edition): 9781319341022: Myers, David G., DeWall, C. Nathan: Books
Avaliações de produtos 3
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Amazon Customer
Very informative interesting book but the constant mentions of climate change are very odd to me. This is a book about psychological science why climate change comes up constantly I do not understand. Reading the stress chapter they mention how people will soon be more displaced due to climate change causing catastrophic events, in turn making me stressed out?!? Why is climate change being mentioned for the chapter discussing how to ease stress?? because worrying about climate change is not going to ease anyone’s stress? I like the book but the constant mention of climate change really irritates me, it’s not that I don’t believe climate change I just don’t want to worry about it well I’m trying to learn psychology. Stop pushing your own beliefs in an educational books that have nothing to do with the belief you are pushing, would have been 5 stars if not for the CONSTANT talk of climate change.
M. Harris
This is a text book, therefore it is meant for psychology students, therefore to me this is a great textbook. Goes way more in depth, especially about how the body develops than what you ever learn in high school and during an undergrad.
Nataile Moore
The book is just what I was looking for. It’s really helping me understand society.