Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-First Edition (Vol.1 & Vol.2): 9781264268504: Medicine & Health Science Books @ Amazon.com
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Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-First Edition (Vol.1 & Vol.2): 9781264268504: Medicine & Health Science Books @ Amazon.com
Product reviews 5
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I ordered the hardcover initially. It was noticeably thicker than the previous edition. I have been experiencing eye strain when I read small fonts lately. So, for the first time, I decided to try e-book version of Harrison's, so returned the hardcover and downloaded Kindle version. It looks great on Ipad. Images/tables are high resolutions, and they can be magnified. The index is hyperlinked to the section, so it is easy to look up. Most of all, I can carry it with me and open it even while at work. With Apple pencil, it is so easy to turn pages and highlight the section I want to note.
Very comprehensive source of information however I’m finding the size and weight of the books to be a bit cumbersome. I find myself defaulting to digital sources for retrieving the information I need.
John M. Burke
I previously putchased an earlier edition. This is edition is much more thorough with a clear writing style.
David C
The text is perfectly readable on even the smallest Kindle e-reader, font size is adjustable and highlighting works. A dictionary can be enabled, but it is not a medical dictionary. Most tables and photographs will need to be viewed on an iPad or other device where the image can be enlarged.I had rare issues with a page turn jumping to a random place in the book, but that might have been operator error.
Maryland Farmer
This is the definitive textbook of medicine. Too detailed for most medical student's use however. A great reference book.
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